
What I’ve learned about Vashon so far — 31 Comments

  1. It is absolutely breathtaking there Mary! I love all of your photos and thank you so much for sharing your journey with us! The sea glass is awesome! I have always loved that…you can make some pretty cool jewelry from it too. The tree art is wild! Glad you are having some fun and certainly interesting times!!

  2. Oh my….that last photo is glorious. ANd the beach is an enchanting place. This past summer, our trip to Carmel California was a dream, having visited where we honeymooned 33 years ago. Nothing like the bliss and kiss of sky and sea. AND THAT SLUG! EEEW!

    • It’s more like a giant lake here, not that endless vista you get with the ocean. It does smell like the ocean though, which is nice.

  3. The best thing is you can explore, enjoy, but you know you won’t be staying forever and you can get some fun photos on those rare nice days. It is a gorgeous area, but the weather is not for my mom either. That one whale photo looks like the sea monster!

    • My mantra right now is, we will leave soon, we will leave soon. And when I do get a photo window, I am trying to take advantage of it.

  4. Lol, isn’t it interesting how we get used to the creatures we share an environment with.
    I would rather encounter a big slug than a snake when I’m out for a walk :-) I’m glad you’re
    discovering some of the unique features of the region! Great photos, as always.

  5. please have an eye on that snails… when it tries to attack your shoe, then it really is an escaped critter from Jurrassic Park :o) I’ve tried to get a sea glass collection too, it’s like finding a treasure :o) …sadly by now I have two pieces lol…

  6. Good morning, I love the down tree art. And the sea glass. Your furbaby is cute enjoying the beach. Cool sighting of the orca! Wonderful series. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  7. You are certainly experiencing beginners luck! Whales, slugs (ick) and Mt. Rainier! You got some beautiful pictures so far can’t wait to see more, not to mention the sea glass. Mom’s friend Sharon is moving to Settle permanently in a week and taking with her Finn and Teagan, and one cat. I don’t know what I will do without seeing my BFF Finn at the park. I hope you get to meet them some day! Love Dolly

    • I am sorry you will lose a good dog friend, that’s a bummer. That’s too bad they have to move here, hopefully they will like it.

  8. Look forward to seeing the creative ways you use the beautiful sea glass. I always enjoy my travels to the TX Gulf Coast for unique photographic opportunities, but after a month or so, I can’t wait to get back to the desert to dry out. All that moisture creates some amazing beauty.

  9. I’m not sure what to do with the sea glass. Put it in a jar maybe. I am so ready to dry out, all this moisture is not my cup of tea.

  10. I’m constantly amazed at the variety and beauty in the United States. Even NJ, the most densely populated state in the country has amazing rural areas like the Pine Barrens which are not like anything else in the world.

    Glad you’re making the most of learning about your temporary home. Even the messy hair.

  11. The weathered tree stumps and roots are so beautiful and so is the sea glass, which you have collected quite a bit of already. I’ll be watching to see what you do about the overcast weather as that’s pretty much what November and December are all about in my world north of Toronto. :)

  12. As you may remember from my recent post about our visit to central CA, I know how addictive that sea-glass hunting is! Man, you found some great stuff! And I’ve never found sea ceramics! How fun! So cool that you saw orcas!

    As for the banana slug, I had no idea those were endangered! We were up that way a few years ago and while hiking we saw one almost as big as my foot. Horrifying.

    Interesting about the blackberry bushes. I read a fiction novel set in that area and it talked about the blackberry bushes taking over everything and I assumed she meant just on the property where the story was set – but maybe that’s a “thing” there!

  13. I hope I don’t see a slug as big as my foot!! Yuck. And yes the blackberries are EV-RY-WHERE. It’s kinda sad they all go to waste. There are hundreds, if not thousands of pounds of berries that could be made into jam, wine, or pie.

  14. I didn’t know banana slugs were endangered. :(
    I love finding sea glass. I have a little jar of it on the windowsill. Don’t find it much in Montana. I wonder if the China came from Japan?
    Great pics.

    • I’m happy to hear you are finding some beauty in my State. Yes, we put up with grey and rain but that’s how we get thick forests with moss and amazing waterfalls. Because we don’t get them all of the time, we really learn to appreciate even a moment of sunshine. And I love beach glass. We should go hiking one day but another day we should go to Glass beach in Port Townsend.

  15. You got some amazing photos there, Mary! The ceramics caught my archaeological eye, of course, because I could see that at least two of them appear to be hand painted and I would love to determine the pattern and thereby come up with a date in case any of them came off a wreck and aren’t just “Ralph Kramden era” throwaways! What a unique experience this place is for you. :)

    • I am curious about the ceramics too. They seem pretty old but it’s hard to tell from a tiny piece. The glass is certainly old, you can tell on some of the pieces.

  16. It looks like you are making the best of and seeing the best of what might not be a perfect climate! It seems like there is so much beauty there, but I always believe that beauty is best viewed in sunshine! LOL
    I have a friend who spent much time on the Maine seacoast looking for sea glass and got skunked. I’m sure she would love to go there.

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