White Tanks Regional Park, Arizona
White Tanks Regional Park, Arizona
We pulled into the primitive camping area in White Tanks Regional Park, on Monday late afternoon. This is a new spot for us, and I am totally in love with it. White Tanks is on the far western slope of the Valley of the Sun. The primitive camping area is at the very west end, farther up the mountain than the rest of the park. There are trails galore right outside our door, we have a view down into the valley which is actually kinda cool at night, and it’s impossibly green here.
Tuesday morning the sun rose over the view of the valley.
Like I said, it is super green here. The plants and flowers are so thick, and I am loving finding some new flowers. This is a Common Fiddlehead, how cool are they! The flowers are tiny, the whole spiral is probably 1/2″ wide.
This purple spiral flower is called Scorpion Weed. It’s the same size as the fiddlehead.
I was taking photos of the poppies, when I noticed these tiny white Popcorn flowers.
There is a library, and a small visitor center here too. They have several different flowers, and bushes growing around it. This is a Baja Fairyduster.
And birds, lots of birds. Sadly for me they are fast, but I did get a shot of this Verdin. Such a pretty song too.
We have to leave today so we can park near our next show in Litchfield park. Hopefully, we can come back after the show, and I suspect the flowers will be even more prolific. A couple days is not even enough time to spend in this beautiful spot.
The crazy thing is, for 4 years I lived very close to white tanks, and I never came here. Different time in my life for sure.
Amazing grace. Nature has the most beautiful array of shapes, colors and textures, and you are so lucky to capture them in the silence. THANK YOU MARY!
Thanks Anita!
Hello, gorgeous sky captures and beautiful flowers. Lovely photos. Have a happy day!
Hopefully you had a good last show and a good upcoming show. Great pictures!
The last show was busy, but not many people buying. So not good at all. Hanging our hopes on this week.
Wow, I can’t believe the poppy’s are out and I’m missing it. We’ve hiked at White Tank Regional Park but I did not know there was a state park as well. Guess I’ll need to start Googling!
Good grief, my bad. It is regional park. The poppies are out in force, I wish we could go to Apache Junction and the Superstitions.
Absolutely gorgeous photos, Mary! Had to share them!
Thanks so much!!
That fairy duster flower is really neat!
Ahhh. Breathing in. Breathing out.
I came back for a brief respite today — your photos are like a breath of fresh air in my day!
(plus, my computer was acting up yesterday and I couldn’t comment)
You found another paradise! That fairyduster flower is amazing. Beautiful photos, as always.
That is definitely someplace you want to get back to now!