Wild Horse Babies
Wild Horse Babies
Spring, and wild horse babies just go together. It seems there is usually a new baby or two in the herd, but in the spring there is even more. We were excited at the chance to see some new little ones, and we were not disappointed. There were a few that couldn’t have been more than a few days old. This little black one was tiny and his mom was keeping him safe from harm.
My niece named this one Peanut. What a cute, cute face this one has.
Al and I found Peanut again on Saturday. She was enjoying the sunshine of the afternoon.
This is one of my favorite mares, she is so beautiful. I was thrilled to see her with a beautiful new buckskin filly. This story does not end well though.
I took these photos Thursday afternoon, when this little family band was calm, and peaceful, enjoying their day. As I was photographing them, two 4 wheeler’s headed our way and scared them. They are chased by 4 wheeler’s in round ups, so they are of course scared of them. The 4 wheeler’s continued to push them up the dirt track, rather than pull off and let the family relax and maybe turn back the other way. I watched through binoculars as the family ran at least 4 or 5 miles. When I posted the photo of this little one on facebook that evening, someone commented they had seen her limping very badly after their huge run that afternoon. We went out on Saturday to find her, and check on her. We found the mom, but that was all. To say I am sad, and angered is an understatement. This little one would be fine today, if those people had just been thoughtful, and considerate.
This little colt was full of it.
Playing with a tumble weed.
Sweet baby and momma.
This one is probably a couple months old, and is mastering the whole laying down thing. When we watched Peanut lay down, she just kinda flopped over, all those long legs are hard to get use to.
Mom had to make sure everything was Ok. Isn’t she a beauty?
We call this buckskin Princess, she was born last year and is growing into such a beauty. She’s hanging out with her little brother.
These two are siblings as well. He is probably a few months old.
Hanging out together. He was so cute and fuzzy, we just wanted to pet him.
This one was having a good run with mom.
This pinto mare was exceptionally pregnant. She was hanging out separate from the heard, and the stallion was right there with her the whole time. We saw them every day, and hoped she would have her baby, but no such luck. I love how the stallion stays with her, to protect her though.
And finally, this is the little black colt from the photos above. He looks to me like a miniature, upcoming, Power and Beauty….the image at the top of the side bar.
Don’t you think?
Dear, dear Mary…these are darling photos, and have you considered making a BOOK of just horses, with your story of their herds as well as the challenges they face due to the current situation? Your prose goes so well with these touching photos, showing the gentleness of their relationships, the charm of the youngsters, the beauty of it all. I AM SO SAD to hear about that little filly; what do you think happened to her, if she was not seen with her mum? I can’t even bear to think of it…I just can’t. I am very sensitive to animals and any harm done to them, but with horses, my sensitivity levels are extremely high. I can’t even watch the movie, “Black Beauty” due to a scene where Ginger dies….
Please think about making a horse book one day. I think you can tell their story.
Hello Mary, the babies are all adorable. What a wonderful sight to see. I am sad to read about the filly, some people just make me so mad! Awesome post and photos!
Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!
Horses are truly some of the most beautiful animals that exist. You photograph them beautifully as well!
How can people be so cruel to animals? That is just so sad for that sweet baby and its mom. The world is not always a nice place to be. On the other hand, your photos are beautiful!
I am always saddened when we humans behave in less than human ways.
Your photos capture the beauty, freedom and majesty of these amazing horses — We humans could learn a great deal from how you honour them, and how to live more like them.
Thank you Mary for all you do to create a better world.
Yes, I can definitely see him growing into a powerful beauty like the one in the sidebar! Thank you for sharing such beautiful and happy family photos. It takes away a bit of the sting of that tragically sad story. What is wrong with people???? It just breaks my heart and I cannot comprehend what they were thinking. :(
Jan K and I think alike in many ways and in many situations. This is one of those times. My heart aches for the poor little filly and her mom. But yes, this little black colt is a very handsome boy.
Those photos are amazing. Those foals are all so beautiful!!
I had to skip over the sad part…. after reading it already once on Facebook, I just couldn’t stand to hear about it again. It breaks my heart. Why are people so phenomenally stupid sometimes???