
Wild Horse Stallions — 17 Comments

  1. Oh Mary, you have done it AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That third photo; you could call him Pegasus and add Photoshop some wings on him, just for FUN! LOL!


    Every photo is a warm and happy image of the freedom and wild love out there on the range. Honestly, you have enough here for a must-have book. LOVE THEM!

  2. every photo of this wonderful horses is THE BEST… they are wonderful and you caught the sunlight at the best moment…what wonderful effects it can make… breathtaking ;o)

  3. So incredibly beautiful and powerful. I’ve never seen nor heard of the tail pulling before, I have to look that up and find out what it means!

  4. Mary, the photos are amazing. Are the horses as friendly as they appear to be or are these telephoto lenses? My wife and I are waiting patiently for our Class B RV to be manufactured. The hold up is Mercedes shipping the chassis from Germany but we should be good to go by the end of the year. Being in our late seventies this will be a whole new adventure for us as we travel full time touring the country. Your areas of travel are on our list.

    • Lloyd I have a 150-600 lens mounted on a crop sensor camera, so my reach is pretty good. They are kinda use to people, but I don’t think I would say friendly, especially the stallions. And the wait must seem forever, I would be so impatient. Lol. I’m sure you will have a blast once you get started however, and any help or advice I can give, let me know.

  5. Those are fabulous. Perhaps that mare wanted to be pulled along by the front mare! That was funny! And the others exude such raw power.

  6. They are so athletic…the muscles on some of them! The photos are so gorgeous, I can only imagine what it is like to see them in person, and hear their thunder. You’re so lucky!

  7. Hello, these are all wonderful shots of the horses. They are beautiful. It would be too hard to choose a favorite, I love them all. Happy Monday, enjoy your day!

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