
World Smile Day — 25 Comments

  1. Well, I’m biased, but I would say she is the SMILIEST GIRL dog around! I would say she’s tied with my “Smiley” Dakota. He will be participating, he will be late, but he will be there!! I have to get my act together first!

  2. When I walk my dogs in front of me they go so fast I can hardly keep up. When I see their tails wag as they go along it makes me smile. Well Reggie has a docked tail but it wags just the same. Torrey does look very happy and has a beautiful smile.

  3. I smile often, but at our house, Bailie is the one that has the perma smile. Torrey looks great and super smiley!

  4. I love Torrey’s beautiful smile – you’re right, it would be hard to resist that face. Who would stay in a bad mood when you’ve got a smile like that around :)

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